Category Archives: Event


The aim of the conference ‘Science and Public in Decision Making Processes‘ – hosted by Charles University in Prague on 25 October 2012 – is to discuss the relation between knowledge, expertise and public decision-making processes. There are plenaries by Andrew Sterling (University of Sussex) and Claudia Neubauer (Fondation Sciences Citoyennes) and others. As well as a set of panels, there will also be a workshop on ‘Conceptualising and making the publics of social science’, which I’ve co-organised with Simon Smith (who is a research fellow at University of Leeds and who I first met at the launch event of the Creating Publics project). This will look into how different ideas of contemporary crises can mediate a set of  distinct ways of thinking about how researchers and publics are being positioned (and might take a position) in the current conjuncture.

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